There is a very old saying that ‘money has wings and it flies away’, but are we to just embrace this and not look out at the facts, the checks and the balances of money, what makes it as potent as we see it? On which wind does it fly on?
Can we clip money’s wings? if we can, How?
And if we can’t, why?
We live in a world where we have majorly two categories of people,
The Have’s and the Have nots…
One of these two men thinks he can chase money and, ‘make it’ while the other thinks he can attract money and it can come to him every time and even enjoy to stay with him, more like a soul tie to money kind of thing truth be told.
Research has proven that;

  1. No Matter how much you Have, it will never be enough if you’re indiscipline.
  2. Money has power, but you can control it if you can control you.
  3. You can’t chase Money, it’s a shadow, but you can attract it with light.
    The amount of wind behind the money you make is measured by how much of the right knowledge you have and how well you’re willing to apply it and how resilient you can be. Get the right knowledge and watch money make your pocket it’s home.

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